Friday, October 24, 2008

I want to walk but am way too excited about it!!!

Kason has been taking an occasional 2 steps on and off for about a month now. We had decided that he was never going to get very interested. They told me this week at daycare that he had taken 3 steps on Wednesday and was standing up all the time. He took 3 or 4 this morning before we left for school. When I picked him up, Ms. Anna said that he walked about 5 or 6 feet across the room. Well, we got home and he decided to show me his skills. He is so excited. If he would settle down, he could probably walk anywhere he wanted to. Here is the latest. I will update as he gets a little more stable. (and no, I still haven't figured out how to rotate the video and please excuse the's hideous.)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Changes for Kason...

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Kason has changed daycares. We are really going to miss his other school. They were so wonderful to him and we were so lucky to be able to have him at the best place in town. Here are a few pictures of him and his special friends there on his last day:

Of course eating is his favorite activity. Second is playing - he runs the show in his room!

Ms. Zakia was his teacher when
he was a tiny baby. (L)

Ms. Ethyl is his VERY favorite and started with him in the infant room but moved with him to his current class. She even looks like fun, doesn't she! (R)

Ms. Jasmina is his newest playmate. Blowing kisses goodbye to everyone.(L).

Frances is the director and his special friend. (R)

There are so many others that he loves and will miss!!!

He did great on his first morning at his new school, too. He got right down and played, but kept an eye on Mommy to make sure she was staying, too. He did cry a little when I left, but I checked back soon after and he was fine - especially given he was in the chair getting ready for a snack!! Eating solves all of his problems.

Fall fun - football game and pumpkins

On Saturday, we went to the football game. UVa played UNC. It was a very exciting game, although we missed the best part. Kason cheered for both teams and danced to all of the music. We left at the end of the 3rd quarter to beat traffic and it was getting cold. As soon as we got in the car, UVa tied it up and they went into overtime. Luckily, we got home in time to see the rest on TV.

On Sunday afternoon, we went to Carter Mountain to get a pumpkin. They were all HUGE. We ended up with a 32 lb. pumpkin that Kason picked out himself. Actually, he was more worried about the wagon than he was the pumpkins! Here are some nice pictures from Carter Mountain. It is just a couple of miles from our house. In the second picture, you can actually see our neighborhood. It is the one toward the middle, but the furthest back. Good luck finding it in this tiny picture.

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's been a long time...

This is pathetic...and thank you, Ms. Bonnie for pointing that out. She is the blog police. We have been so busy since the summer ended that I have really fallen down on my job...AND I HAVE SO MUCH TO SHARE. It is all old news to much of you. I've been emailing more lately since I have fallen down on the blogging. I will try to update you on everything without having to write a novel...

Kason and I spent a week in LR at the end of August. I had to be at the Clinton Library for work so Kason's Big John came and hung out with him. They spent thier days watching the ducks at the Peabody and strolling downtown and by the river. Big John became an expert babysitter and knows what Kason needs better than I do. They spent so much time with the ducks that Big John scored Kason a job as the "Honorary Duck Master." He got to escort (chase) the ducks down the red carpet and back to their home for the evening. He even got to watch the breeder clip thier wings. He got a really cool certificate and a rubber duck for doing such a great job. (He actually came home with a whole family of ducks by the time he recieved gifts from the valets, from Big John, and everyone else he met!)

We got to see lots of old friends from LR while we were there. We had a special night out to dinner at the new minor league park with Karl's UALR buddies. Once again, Kason got special treatment by Mr. Valentine who gave him a bib and a ball.

From there we went to Magnolia for the weekend. Jeremy and Lindsey had three showers. It was great to see all of our friends and family. Kason had tons of fun, but mostly clung to his buddy, Big John. Riding in the little red car and the basket of the bicycles at Wes Weiser Gym was great fun, too. Uncle Jonathan taught him to drink out of the water fountain.

We came home from Arkansas just in time to turn 1 year old. That night we had a nice family dinner and birthday cake! Cleaning up after dinner took longer than making the cake and dinner and eating it all!!! Kason got a red wagon for his birthday and it is definitely his most favorite thing in the world.

Kason got his first haircut later that week. He was a champ and so was mom...(I only shed a few tears.)

We had Kason's birthday party on Sept. 7th. He had a backyard beach bash with 7 of his friends and thier families. We served BBQ and all the fixins, along with little kid food. The kids swam in Kason's kiddie pools, played in the sprinklers, and took wagon rides. The highlight was probably when Daddy put the slide to the playset in the pool. It was a hit!
Karl's year has gotten off to a good start. He has a very young team, but he is very happy with the new players and they seem very eager and willing to learn. They played a fall game against a team from Canada. They are also in the middle of the Orange and Blue World Series right now so we are already spending a good amount of time at the ballpark. I thought this was a cute picture of he and Coach O'Connor's son, Dillon. I assume this is how it will always be - the big boy telling the little boy how it is done...

Jeremy and Lindsey got married on Oct. 4th. We had a great trip to Monroe for that and really enjoyed our time with our family and hers. Here are a couple of pictures from that. (However if you would like to see the photographers pics go to, click on proofing, and then Gosdin-Hendricks wedding. You can log in with your own email.) Cantley and Kason had fun. She has found that feeding him is the way to his heart. We can thank Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Natalie for teaching him to jump on the an unending battle at our house!

I am sure that I have left many other things out, but if I think of anything significant, I will make sure and post it.

In other news, I realize that although most of you have either heard or seen, I have left the news of our new addition off of the blog. Here is our little boy who is set to arrive on February 8th (or sooner). We may have a thumb sucker this time...I guess that could be better than the pacifier and sunglasses.

Also, Kason will move to a new daycare on Monday. We are excited about the move, but very sad to leave his current school. They have been wonderful to him and we really couldn't have had a better experience. I hope to have more pictures to post of his last day at school today. Here are his "school" pictures for this year. He was 13 months old.

This is all I have time for now!!!