Wednesday, March 4, 2009

hoping to regain my credibility with my faithful blog readers...

OK, so I am REALLY sorry, Miss Bonnie. Please forgive me for all of my empty promises to update. I am finally here. It really got my attention the other day when someone told me that the last thing on my blog was Kason's haircut...and I realized that he and Karl had just left to go get ANOTHER haircut (not that it is very shocking given the rate at which the kid's hair grows.) Not only has he had another haircut, but we have had Christmas, New Years, Karl's 40th, Step Up to the Plate, a new baby, the start of Karl's 6th season at Virginia, visits from every member of my immediate family and much, much, more. I think it is time to start blogging. I guess I just need to accept that I can't do it all anymore!! I hope to give you the short version...If I am capable of that.

I will start with Christmas because I can't remember much of that or before. My pregnant brain took all my memory and ran. We had a really nice Christmas. It was just the 3 of us. We also enjoyed our annual get together with our special friends on Christmas night.

Mom came a few days after Christmas and made fast friends with Kason. They had tons of fun and she was awful sad to leave him. We were even more sad to see her go - but knew she would be back before we knew it. She provided her annual babysitting services for New Years Eve so that we could celebrate with our wonderful friends. We are just so grateful for the great friends we have made here. It was a wild and crazy time for everyone, including the 2 ton pregnant chauffer.

Karl turned 40 on January 16th. With all that we had going on, we agreed to keep things low key and celebrate with just the 3 of us. However, I surprised him with a small dinner party at our house on the evening of his birthday. I invited 8 of our close friends to share in the celebration and cooked a great meal. He was especially touched by the visit from Jon and Marcia Jaudon who drove 3 hours from Blacksburg to share his special day. Jon was Karl's Academic Coordinator when he was an athlete at Florida and they have remained very close friends for all these years. Having the Jaudon's just a few hours away has been another one of the many blessings we have been given since moving to Virginia! (Please keep Marcia in your prayers. She battled breast cancer a few years back and more was discovered just days after their visit here. She has since undergone surgery and treatments and seems to be doing well but would appreciate a little prayer here and there.) Many of you contributed to Karl's birthday celebration by sending your thoughts and well wishes. I gathered letters and stories from over 40 of his friends and aquaintances and shared them with him throughout the evening. He was really touched. Thanks to all of you that helped me with that!!!!

Karl's Step Up to the Plate dinner was a great time, too. Making it to that before popping the baby was my goal and I achieved it. I was very tired, very hot, and very uncomfortable, but I had fun and it was great to see all of the friends, family, and support of the baseball program.

Three days after that, we had the joy of bringing our second son into the world. It was a very exciting time and a fabulous experience. I didn't realize just how awful getting Kason here was! I had another c-section - and a lot better experience. I checked in the hospital around 4:20 p.m. or so and he was here by 6:43 p.m. with no hitches. I guess the only hitch was that we couldn't name him and Karl refused to call the family until we had a name. I think we had them all freaking out when they knew I had gone into surgery around 6 and didn't hear anything until 8:30 or so. We rushed to settle on a name and made the call - only to call back a few hours later and tell them we changed our mind. So Kruse Michael Kuhn it is. He weighed 7 pounds and 1 ounce (I think). He was 19.5 inches long. He looks a lot like his big brother did. His hair shows a little of his Gosdin side with a red tint - just like his brother's did - but other than that, he is all Dad. I guess I can hope for him to have blue eyes and big feet, the only traits that he may have inherited from me.

Kason is very proud of his little brother. He is the first thing he asks about every morning. He doesn't walk by him without giving him a kiss on the head. He loves to give him "bumps" and "high fives." If anything (hat, blanket, pacifier) is found he takes it to the baby. He thinks the pacifier is the answer to everything. If Kruse squeaks Kason sasy "Papsi, papsi?" and goes off looking for it. Aside from loving his brother Kason is growing like a weed (a short weed) and never shutting up. He talks non-stop and is doing a good job of making sense. He loves to dance. He is obsessed with all things ball and calls them all "football." He also loves Mickey Mouse and calls him "hot dog." Just for laughs...we went to the dr. yesterday for Kason's 18 month and Kruse's 1 month check up. The dr. was doing Kason's exam and he started showing her that his diaper had Mickey Mouse on it. Just as she was going to check "it" he pointed to his diaper and said "hot dog?" I felt like an idiot trying to convince her that he was talking about Mickey Mouse and that we had NOT named "it" Hot Dog. Oh the things that I am in for...

Daddy came and spent the first week out of the hospital with us. I don't know what we would have done without him. I couldn't pick Kason up for at least 3 weeks so he did all the heavy lifting around here. I think he had a lot of fun with his grand sons. I know that I loved having my Daddy here - and all to myself!!

The day after he left the hurricane hit - hahahaha. Jonathan, Natalie, and Cantley arrived. Kason LOVED his big cousin, Cantley, and his Uncle Jonathan. They played so hard for 5 days. I hadn't yet experienced games of chase and hide-n-seek at my house and there were many that week. Kason did not miss a step that Cantley took and copied everything she did. Between having a 4 year old little girl and a new baby in the house, he learned how to shriek with precision! It was a wild and crazy time for all. Again, thank goodness for their visit. Jonathan entertained kids and Natalie cooked and cleaned. I tended to baby and even got a few naps. We were able to get out of the house a time or two. I got to take Cantley to celebrate her birthday at Keswick Hall's afternoon tea. She loved her fancy tea party. We all had a wonderful time together. My brother and I have gained a much bigger appreciation for our mother. We discovered that Cantley, Kason, and Kruse are basically the ages that the 3 of us were - and even with 4 adults in the house, there were times that we couldn't keep up! We have no idea how she did it! We had a wonderful visit and I miss them so much since they have gone. I think they really enjoyed their time here, but left a little shell shocked after seeing what it will be like once they bring thier new little girl home in June!

The day they left, Mom arrived. She was just in time. I needed some "Mom" time. You know, your mom just knows what you need and when you need it. Not only was she helpful around the house and with Kason and Kruse, she was great company for me. Again, she and Kason got along perfectly. He had his "Nanny," as he and Cantley have taken to calling Nanna, wrapped around his finger. He asked for her for 3 days after she left.
Jeremy and Lindsey are coming this weekend. We are so excited to see them and are even more excited that they plan to stay more than 36 hours! I will post an update on this visit by the end of March at least - hahaha.

Karl's season is off to a great start. They have played 8 games and have won them all so far. Unfortunately, they have had to cancel 2 games due to the snow storm that just came through here over the weekend. They play again today and start conference play this weekend down at Wake Forest. Go Hoos - as Kason would say "U!"
As I mentioned earlier, we went for the boys' check ups yesterday. Kason continues to grow up a little and out a lot. He is now 31" tall and 25 lbs. 11 oz. He was 18 months old last week. Kruse was a month old yesterday. He is following his brother's trend with the weight and we are keeping our fingers crossed that he is going to take another path in the height catagory. He was 21" tall and weighed 9 lbs. and 3 oz. I go for my check up today. I am hoping that I am taking a different path than the two of them in the weight catagory:) Surely, mine is going down, but not fast enough!!! I am feeling great. I have taken it slow and seem to have had a great recovery so far. Kason has his 6 month check up with the allergist next week. I will let you know if there is any news there, but we anticipate things to be just the same.

I have sprinkled in a few pictures here and there. A lot of them are on my other computer or still on the camera so maybe I can add them later. Hope you aren't too disappointed by the update. Stay on my case, Miss Bonnie. I will try to do better (yeah, I have said that before.)