Saturday, December 6, 2008

Other stuff

Kason got a haircut yesterday. Daddy took him to the barber.
Mommy wasn't too happy about how short it was (or the use of the clippers) but it was still an improvement from before.

We had a great time last night at the team Holiday Dinner. Kason thought the players were pretty cool. He gave them all lots of bumps and told them all about "football" and "touchdown."

The coaching staff and families celebrated at the end of the evening. We were entertained with a musical performance by the little girls. They put on their music and sang and played instruments for us. Of course, Kason decided to put on his boogie shoes and provide the back up dancing. He danced until he was so tired he was falling down.
The rest of the kids ended up joining him. It was hilarious. I tried to video it, but my camera wasn't working too well. It is really a shame that you all can't enjoy the performance.

1 comment:

bonnie said...

o.k. the blog police says it is time to post something new! miss bonnie